
We encourage you to donate 1.5% of your tax for the statutory purposes carried out by the Pro Musica Viva Foundation – KRS 0000045491 or support through donations

As a public benefit organization, we encourage you to take advantage of the opportunity to donate 1.5% of your tax to achieve the statutory goals of the Pro Musica Viva Foundation.

How to donate your tax?

In the appropriate place in the selected PIT form, just enter our KRS 0000045491 and the calculated 1.5% on personal income. The rest will be done for us by the Tax Office.

Thanks to your generosity, the further development of the Foundation will allow us to achieve our goals and build Polish-Ukrainian “musical bridges” even more effectively.

Donate 1.5 of your tax and help build Polish-Ukrainian "musical bridges"


The aim of the Foundation is to support classical music through a wide range of activities, which include not only the dissemination of musical culture, but also the foundation of scholarships, support for music institutions or the promotion of soloists and ensembles. We write about the goals in detail here.

In order for us to continue our passionate work, we need support from people who share our vision and values. We create more than just concerts – we engage in community projects, educational initiatives and research projects to advance the potential of the sound arts.

Your donation will be a direct contribution to sustaining these worthwhile endeavors. Thanks to your generosity, we will be able to expand our activities and reach more people, contributing to the development of musical culture and arts education.

Thank you for considering supporting our Foundation. Your contribution will significantly contribute to the goals of the Pro Musica Viva Foundation.

Use the details below to support the Foundation:

Fundacja „Pro Musica Viva”
ul. Gąbińska 9/64
01-703 Warszawa

PL 11 1240 6175 1111 0000 4569 9311
Bank: PEKAO SA O/W-wa, ul. Krucza 50

Thank you for your support.

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