IV Festival of Polish Culture in Ukraine
The organizers are convinced that Culture knows no boundaries – neither those of geography, nor can it be categorically divided into amateur and professional.
Festivals of Polish Culture in Ukraine have a history. For the first time the Festival was held in 1996 in Lviv. Its initiators and co-organizers were the Federation of Polish Organizations in Ukraine and the Society of Polish Culture of the Lviv Region. The first presentation of the artistic achievements of the Polish national minority living in Ukraine arose from the need to show the activity of Polish amateur groups on a common stage and became a great experience and reward for perseverance. This presentation initiated the following Festivals, which have been held every two years since then. The 2nd and 3rd Festivals of Polish Culture in Ukraine made sure that the creative efforts of each ensemble are evidence of the continuous development of national heritage and continue to bear fruit. From the very beginning, the Festival had an open form, in which various artistic activities found a place - dance, choral and stage groups, but also theatrical performances with the participation of Polish theaters from Lviv. Since the first Festival, although its main task was to present the amateur activity of the Polish ensembles of Ukraine, there were events with the participation of prominent representatives of the cultural world from Poland. It is worth recalling here the performance of Krzysztof Penderecki's "Polish Requiem" at the First Festival in 1996, with the composer in the role of conductor of the Krakow Philharmonic Orchestra and Choir. The 3rd Festival of Polish Culture in Ukraine was held in Lviv and Kyiv. The Fourth Festival is expanding its geography to include other cities - Odessa and Kharkiv, thus proving that there is a need to meet Polish culture throughout Ukraine. There are also organizations representing the Polish community of Ukraine, which, although scattered, strives for integration and contact with the historic Motherland. It is also a natural promoter of Poland in the places of its residence. A new and important phenomenon of the 4th Festival of Polish Culture in Ukraine is the numerous participation of Ukrainian professional cultural institutions, including those with national status. It is extremely gratifying to the organizers that the presentation of Polish culture in Ukraine has acquired such an important character. The 4th Festival of Polish Culture in Ukraine received high patronage of the Presidents of Poland and Ukraine, for which the organizers here express their gratitude. They read this as an important sign of Polish-Ukrainian rapprochement and good neighborly relations. The organizers are convinced that Culture knows no boundaries - neither those of geography, nor can it be categorically divided into amateur and professional. Culture is a space of Spirit, and everyone can find their place in it. It is also a space that unites rather than divides, mutually enriches and allows for better understanding. This is also the message of the organizers of this Festival. IV Festival of Polish Culture in Ukraine was organized with the support of: Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Poland Ministry of Culture and Arts of Ukraine Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Ukraine Kyiv City State Administration Lviv Regional State Administration Lviv City Council The General Consulate of the Republic of Poland in Lviv Odesa regional state administration Kharkiv Regional State Administration General Consulate of the Republic of Poland in Kharkiv Festival organizers: Pro Musica Viva Foundation Federation of Polish Organizations in Ukraine Society of Polish Culture of the Lviv Region Association of Polish Culture in Kharkiv Union of Poles in Ukraine, A. Mickiewicz Branch in Odessa Festival producer: Pro Musica Viva Foundation. Institutions co-organizing the Festival: In Kyiv: T. Shevchenko National Opera and Ballet Theater I. Franko National Drama Theater National House of Organ and Chamber Music of Ukraine National Union of Artists of Ukraine Center for Contemporary Art at NaUKMA Zhovten Cinema In Lviv: M. Zankovetska National Ukrainian Drama Theater Lviv State Opera and Ballet Theater named after S. Krushelnytska Lviv Palace of Fine Arts Lviv House of Organ and Chamber Music Lviv Regional Teachers' House Polish People's Theater Halych Center for Cinema Art Lviv theater "Voskresinnia" Gallery "Dzyga" Association of lovers of fine arts "Own Thatch" Secondary General School No. 10 In Odessa: Odessa Museum of Art Odesa Young Spectator Theater named after M. Ostrovsky Odesa Philharmonic Orchestra "Wympel" cinema New Music Association In Kharkiv: Kharkiv Museum of Art Gallery "AVEC" Kharkiv State Drama Theater named after T. Shevchenko Cinema "Russia" Festival Program Council: Roman Rewakowicz President of the Pro Musica Viva Foundation Emilia Chmielowa President of the Federation of Polish Organizations in Ukraine Teresa Dutkiewicz Vice President of the Federation of Polish Organizations in Ukraine Emil Legowicz President of the Polish Cultural Association of Lviv Region Jozefa Cherniyenko President of the Association of Polish Culture in Kharkiv, member of the Board of the FOPnU Tadeusz Załucki Vice-president of the Union of Poles in Ukraine Program of the IV Festival of Polish Culture in Ukraine LVIV 24.10 - 10.11.2002 Thursday, 24.10.02, 6 pm Lviv State Opera and Ballet Theater, Svobody Prospect 28 Opening of the Festival Programme: Overtures, arias and dances from Stanislaw Moniuszko operas. Soloists and orchestra of the Lviv Opera conducted by Ihor Lacanych with participation of singers from Poland: Dorota Całek - soprano and Yaroslav Brek - baritone Friday, 25.10.02, at 18.00 Gallery "Dzyga", 35 Ormianska Street Presentation of publications: Kairos, Kameniar, Klasyka, Platan, Świt, Swidczado Saturday, 26.10.02, 6 pm Zankovetskaya National Ukrainian Drama Theater, 1 Lesia Ukrainka St. Stanislaw Ignacy Witkiewicz's "Mother, or an Unpalatable Play in Two Acts with an Epilogue". Franko National Drama Theater (Kyiv), Zbigniew Najmola - director (Krakow) Sunday, 27.10.02, 3 p.m. High School No. 10, 1 Chuprynky St. "Journey of the Little Prince" according to Antuan Saint-Exupery Youth Theater "Baj" of the Secondary General School No. 10 (Lviv) Sunday, 27.10.02, 6 pm Zankovetskaya National Ukrainian Drama Theater, 1 Lesia Ukrainka St. Witold Gombrowicz "Yvonne, Princess of Burgundy". Zankovetskaya National Ukrainian Dramatization Theater (Lviv) Wieslaw Rudzki - director (Warsaw) Monday, 28.10.02, 6:00 pm Galician Center for Cinema Art, Shevchenko Prospect 3 Film screening - "Przedwiośnie", Filip Bajon - director Tuesday, 29.10.02, at 18.00 Lviv theater "Voskresinnia", 5 Hryhorenka Square Farce, farce, farce... based on the works of A. Fredro "The candle went out", A. Chekhov "On the harmfulness of tobacco", Z. Herbert "The other room" (premiere) Scena Studium "Galiciana" (Lviv) Thursday, 31.10.02, 6 pm Lviv Regional Teachers' House, 42 Kopernika St. Tadeusz Różewicz „Kartoteka” Polish People's Theater (Lviv), Zbigniew Chrzanowski - director Sunday, 3.11.02, 4.00 pm Lviv Palace of Fine Arts, 17 Kopernika St. Opening of the exhibition of Polish posters from the collection of the Poster Museum in Wilanow Tuesday, 5.11.02, 6.00 pm Association of Lovers of Fine Arts "Own Thatch", 9 Rylejewa St. Opening of the exhibition of paintings by Jadwiga Pechata (Lviv) Wednesday, 6.11.02, 6:00 pm Lviv Regional Teachers' House, 42 Kopernika St. Evening of Zbigniew Herbert's poetry with the participation of Bohdan Kozak and Zbigniew Chrzanowski Friday, 7.11.02, at 06:00 pm Maria Magdalena Church / Lviv House of Organ and Chamber Music, 8 Bandery St. Ballad - Concert of the early music ensemble "Ars Nova" (Warsaw) Saturday, 9.11.02, 3:00 pm Zankovetskaya National Ukrainian Drama Theater, 1 Lesia Ukrainka St. Gala concert of Polish amateur ensembles operating in Ukraine Sunday, 10.11.02, 12.00 pm Maria Magdalena Church / Lviv House of Organ and Chamber Music, 8 Bandery St. Concert of Polish choirs active in Ukraine KYIV 4 - 9.11.2002 Monday, 4.11.02, 6 pm House of the Visual Artist, 1-5 Artema St. Miroslaw Maszlanko - "Sculpture". Tuesday, 5.11.02, 7.30 pm St. Nicholas Church / National House of Organ and Chamber Music, 77 Czerwonoarmijska Street Ballad - Concert of the early music ensemble "Ars Nova" (Warsaw) Wednesday, 6.11.02, 7:00 pm National Drama Theater named after Franko, I. Franko Square 3 Witold Gombrowicz - "Yvonne, Princess of Burgundy". Zankovetskaya National Ukrainian Drama Theater (Lviv) Wieslaw Rudzki - director (Warsaw) Thursday, 7.11.02, 6:00 pm Zhovten Cinema, 26 Kostiantynivskaya St. Film screening - "Przedwiośnie", Filip Bajon - director Friday, 8.11.02, at 7.00 pm National Drama Theater named after Franko, I. Franko Square 3 Stanislaw Ignacy Witkiewicz "Matka, albo Niesmaczna sztuka w dwóch aktach z epilogiem". Franko National Drama Theater (Kyiv), Zbigniew Najmola - director (Krakow) Saturday, 9.11.02, 7:00 pm T.Shevchenko National Opera and Ballet Theater, 50 Volodymyrskaya St. Symphonic concert Progam: Moniuszko - Overture to the Opera "Halka", Lutoslawski - Concerto for Orchestra Chopin - Concerto in E minor Orchestra of the National Opera of Ukraine Volodymyr Kozhukhar - conductor Jan Krzysztof Broja - piano (Warsaw) ODESSA 7 - 10.11.2002 Thursday, 7.11.02, 3 p.m. Odessa Museum of Art, 5a Sofijivska Street Opening of the exhibition of Polish poster from the collection of the Poster Museum at Wilanów Friday, 8.11.02, at 19.00 M. Ostrovsky Theatre for the Young Spectator, 50 Greeck Street Aleksander Fredro "Revenge" Polish People's Theatre (Lviv) Walery Bortiakow - director, stage designer Saturday, 9.11.02, at 18.00 Odessa Philharmonic, 15 Bunina Street Programme: M. Karłowicz, H.M. Górecki, W. Lutosławski, G. Bacewicz, W. Kilar Odessa Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra Łukasz Borowicz - conductor (Warsaw) Tatiana Kravchenko - piano Sunday, 10.11.02, 17.00 hours Cinema "Wympel", Admiralskiy Prospekt 31 Film projection - "Quo Vadis", Jerzy Kawalerowicz - director Kharkiv 28.10 - 5.11.2002 Monday, 28.10.02, 4.00 pm Kharkiv Museum of Art, 11 Radnarkomivska Street Opening of an exhibition of Polish posters from the collection of the Poster Museum at Wilanów Tuesday, 29.10.02, at 18.00 Avec" Gallery, 50 Sumska St. Sounds of Polish Culture - exhibition of Polish paintings from the collection of the Kharkiv Museum of Art Wednesday, 30.10.02, at 17.00 hours Cinema "Russia", VLKSM 50th Anniversary Avenue 54 Film projection - "Quo Vadis", Jerzy Kawalerowicz - director Sunday, 3.11.02, at 18.00 Kharkiv State Academic Drama Theatre named after T. Shevchenko Small Stage "Berezil", 9 Sumska st. Farce, farce, farce... According to the works of A. Fredro "The candle has gone out", A. Chekhov's "On the Harmfulness of Tobacco", Z. Herbert's "The Second Room" (premiere) Stage of the Studium "Galiciana" (Lviv) Tuesday, 5.11.02, at 18.00 House of Culture, Radnarkomivska Street 13 Concert of sung poetry performed by Jacek Kleyff (Warsaw)